How to Get the Most from Job Board Promotion

At CampHire, we post to all major job boards, as well as specialty boards for targeted roles. We leverage an automated recruiting tool that makes it seamless to blast roles across dozens of platforms with one click. But as a camp director, you may not have that luxury, and likely don’t have the bandwidth to post on such a robust scale.

So what should you do?

When it comes to job boards, there is one to rule them all. Indeed. It’s the number one job board in the US, and it’s not even close, capturing 75 percent of applications nationwide. If you aren’t serious about Indeed, you’re missing out on candidates. We spend lots of time (and money!) on Indeed and are excited to share learnings to help you get the most out of the platform.


For starters, there are a couple of key things to know about Indeed.

  1. Posting for free on Indeed won’t get you very far. In fact, free posts only show up within a 25-mile radius of the job location. For most camps, that’s the middle of nowhere. The solution? To broaden exposure you need to pay to promote the job in multiple locations.

  2. "Post and pray" is not a strategy. If you are going to rely on job boards, you have to be proactive. That means monitoring analytics, budget, and quality of applicants on a daily basis. The good news is Indeed provides tools for this.

  3. Utilize keywords to maximize your placement in search results. It’s not as hard as it sounds, we promise. A quick example: at CampHire, we boosted views for a Waterfront Director by 200 percent by adding the word "Aquatics" into the post.

  4. Pay to stay relevant. If you’re relying on your free post, it goes to the bottom of the heap pretty quickly. To stay at the top of search results, promote the job.

The reality: "pay to play" is the name of the game. It’s a competitive market and candidates’ attention spans are short. So make the most of the tools at your disposal. According to Indeed, sponsored posts perform three to five times better than free posts. At CampHire, we know from experience that this works.


CampHire Stories: Founders (Aaron & Esther)


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