Camp Recruitment Blog

Hiring trends, best practices, and automation tips to recruit and hire the best talent for camp.

Best Practice, Seasonal Tip Esther Eisenhard Best Practice, Seasonal Tip Esther Eisenhard

Three Recruitment Automation Tools to Start Using Today

To get good at job boards you have to be equipped to handle the volume of candidates. And to handle volume, you have to automate. In this blog we will feature simple, low-cost automation tools we swear by at CampHire. If you are working the job boards this Spring, integrating these tools into your process will make your life a lot easier.

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Best Practice, Seasonal Tip Esther Eisenhard Best Practice, Seasonal Tip Esther Eisenhard

How to Get the Most from Job Board Promotion

When it comes to job boards, there is one to rule them all. Indeed. It’s the number one job board in the US, and it’s not even close, capturing 75 percent of applications nationwide. If you aren’t serious about Indeed, you’re missing out on candidates. We spend lots of time (and money!) on Indeed and are excited to share learnings to help you get the most out of the platform.

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